EDGR 260:
Writing & Research Across the Disciplines


Handouts/Course Materials

Fall 2016 Syllabus (PDF file)

Week 1: APA Style (Brock).

Week 2: Using the CSUS Library for research (Brock). This week only EDGR 260 meets in Libarary 2024

Week 3: DSM-5 (Brock & Holland). What School Psychologists Need to Know about DSM-5 (pdf); Supplemental Handouts (all pdf), DSM-5 & IDEA, Changes to the Meta Structure, Autism, Anxiety

Week 4: EDGR 260 does not meet (EDS 245 with Brock meets at this time)

Week 5: LGBTQ2-S (Holland)

Week 6: Best Practices in Applying Legal Standards for Students With Disabilities (Gutierrez), Forest Grove v. T.A. (9th Cir. 2009)

Week 7: Best Practices in Applying Legal Standards for Students With Disabilities (Gutierrez), Hendrick Hudson Central School District v. Rowley (1982); Legal Overview (.ppt)

Week 8: Best Practices in Applying Legal Standards for Students With Disabilities (Gutierrez), Assessments and IEEs (.ppt); Timmothy O. (pdf file)

Week 9: Legal Issues (Gutierrez), Discipline and Manifestations (.ppt), IDEA Manifaestation (.doc), Research Paper (doc.), Rialto Unified School District (OAH 2014), OAH Case No. 2014040978; New Haven Unified School District (OAH 2013), OAH Case No. 2013031128

Week 10: Legal Issues (Gutierrez), Clovis residential placement case (.docx); Restraint case (.docx); Transgender case

Week 11: Introdution to Ethical Issues, Respecting the Dignity and Rights of all Persons (Brock)

Week 12: Ethical Issues, Professional Competence and Responsibility (Holland); Required reading Jacob, Decker & Lugg, (2016), Chapter 3; pages 47-64 from the following: http://www.agpa.org/docs/default-source/practice-resources/download-full-guidelines-(pdf-format)-group-works!-evidence-on-the-effectiveness-of-group-therapy.pdf?sfvrsn=2 

Weel 13: Ethical Issues, Professional Competence and Responsibility (Holland)

Week 14: Ethical Issues, Honesty and Integrity in Professional Relationships (Holland)

Week 15 Ethical issues, Responsibility to Schools, families, Communities, the Profession, and Society (Brock)